Ingredients for a Great Summer Read (An Acrostic Poem)
Seriously iced drinks
Used books
Mass markets
More daylight hours
Everyone is relaxing
Read to your heart's content.
Now, I know that your first reaction upon reading this masterpiece of a poem is to double check the name of the Poet Laureate. Relax. I write poetry only for myself. And the unfortunate bloggers unsuspecting enough to let me guest post for them. Just kidding. I've practically stalked Leanna (and Daisy Chain Book Reviews) since she innocently responded to a question of mine on LibraryThing. So I want to thank her not only for having an awesome blog, but for allowing me to guest post for her. Thanks!
Okay, so you'll be glad to know that I wrote this poem for a reason. Basically, I'm using it to extol the wondrous virtues of summer reading. It's kind of like an advice column wrapped up in a poem inside a guest blog.
Let's start with "S"--Seriously iced drinks. I live in Southern California, so iced drinks are a must during the summer. There are times when it doesn't feel like there's much difference between night and day, so my first requirement for summer reading is something cold. When I relax in the shade in the hammock (that's a fantasy, I don't actually have one), in a chair in the backyard, or, more likely, in front of the swamp cooler, I like to have a gin and tonic, an iced tea lemonade or even a freezing cold glass of water and a book. The ice is essential because, when I'm done with the drink, there's still something for me to crunch on.
Mass markets are great for traveling, too. Also known as pocket books, they're small and (relatively) light and they fit in most purses. Of course, nowadays, you can always just bring your eReader along with you. Then again, I have one, and unpacking continues to takes me a while because I'm forever finding the mass markets I bought and tucked in wherever they would fit.
Everyone is relaxing. Summer is the ultimate time for relaxation. Fall is the lead up to the holiday season, winter is long and dark, and spring is about frenzy (as in Spring Cleaning). Luckily for us all, the summer warmth rolls around to remind us to sit back a spell. It's the time when most of us take our yearly vacations. We barbecue and, best of all, we read. God, I love summer.
Finally, I view summer as the time to Read to your heart's content. It's time for you to pick up that bubblegummy piece of chicklit you've been wanting to read but haven't bought because you know you'll finish it in one sitting. I've even got a few suggestions for you:
Do you see the sheer bubblegum pinkness of these books? Sarah Mason is wonderful, and in these two stories she introduces us to the insane-but-still-awesome Colshannon family. Society Girls is my favorite, and it also includes a bit of armchair travel for those so inclined. Whatever book/genre works for you, I say, as long as reading it isn't a chore. You know you do it. And if I'm wrong...well I already knew you were the better person.
Thank you, Ruby, for this wonderful guest blog! I had so much fun reading it! :) If you loved Ruby's guest post too, why not stop by her blog Ruby's Reads to find out more!
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